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Microneedling can be an ideal non-surgical approach to tackle the following facial and body issues:

-- Fine lines and wrinkles

-- Sagging skin, particularly drooping jowls

-- Scarring, including acne scars

-- Burns

-- Stretch marks

-- Age spots

-- Pigmentation

-- Enlarged pores

-- Hair loss

‘Micro-needling’ or ‘collagen induction therapy’, is a first-class technology that can result in smoother, brighter, healthier and younger-looking skin for both men and women.

Fighting collagen with collagen through microneedling

Microneedling is an ingenious technique that fights fire with fire. With microneedling, we direct tiny needles into your skin that break up old scar tissue. But that’s just the start. This matrix of tiny micro-injuries spurs a mild healing response in your body, which responds with — you guessed it — collagen.

But rather than the emergency response that created your scarring in the first place, our microneedling creates a much milder reaction and your body slowly rebuilds your skin from the inside out with renewed collagen, creating a much smoother surface area.


befor Microneedling  

after Microneedling  

Behind the scarring

Scarring is your body’s way of protecting itself by plugging up a breach so that your skin can continue to do its job of shielding you. When you injure yourself, your body’s primary directive is to ensure that nothing invades your body through the new openings. To do this, your body responds with a flood of collagen, the protein responsible for the structural support in your skin. This process also includes acne scars.

This collagen response isn’t one that takes your appearance into consideration. Rather, it shores up your tissue as quickly as possible with stronger collagen fibers — leaving you with a scar.


The microneedling process

Each of our microneedling sessions takes less than an hour, and there’s no downtime afterward. Depending upon the scarring we’re tackling, you may need a series of treatments, which we space apart by 4-6 weeks to allow time for your tissue to rebuild itself.

Over the course of your microneedling treatments, you’ll see gradual improvements in your skin, with optimal results about 6-12 weeks after your final session.

Scar before and after Microneedling  

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Visible results straight after procedure !

During your consultation, our treatment coordinator will:

Address your skin concerns and offer recommendations on the best package treatment for you.
Discuss the number of treatments required for optimum results that are included in the cost and any aftercare where needed.
Provide you the chance to ask any questions you may have about treatment and the expected results.

All treatments are tailored to the individual and personal experiences and results may vary. We recommend a one to one consultation with our Treatment Coordinators to discuss your treatment options.


Procedure Duration

60  min

Pain Levels

Minimal to moderate

Side Effects

Occasional bruising and swelling

Recommended treatments

Course of 3-6 recommended


Brighter, smoother, tighter skin


Microneedling can be an ideal non-surgical approach to tackle the following facial and body issues:

Your skin may feel slight discomfort or soreness after treatment, with swelling or some skin peeling a normal reaction for up to 48 hours.

Use moisturiser and gentle cleansing products on the treated area to help sooth and wash the skin.

Avoid sunlight and excessive UV exposure to the skin, using a high factor SPF for added protection.

Before touching the treated area, always ensure your hands are thoroughly clean.

Avoid wearing makeup on the area for at least 24 hours after microneedling.

Avoid strenuous exercise such as going to the gym, cycling, or running that may irritate the skin from sweating for at least 2-3 days.

after 3 sessions

Microneedling treatment can address the following areas:








Why choose Microneedling treatment at KK ICON clinic?

The Treatment Practitioner will support you throughout the procedure to ensure you receive the best possible experience during your visit.


We have over 10 years’ of experiece and have created bespoke treatment packages whilst keeping our microneedling costs competitive.

We focus on providing great results that meet the individual needs of our clients. Our expert medical staff are highly experienced within the beauty industry and provide a high-quality experience for visiting clients.

Our specialist clinics are friendly and welcoming, and we guarantee a safe and sterile environment to perform all of our microneedling treatments.

Whether you are unsure on which treatment is for you or want to see some examples of microneedling, you can view our patient stories to see the type of results you can achieve.

Book a consultation today and our team can start to discuss the results you’re looking for.


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